Create a POS System in Vue.js - Part 1

Friday, December 18, 2015

So let’s get started. First, pull down the code from the repo for this series. Then we will check out the beginning code. Lastly, let’s bring in all the dependencies. I have gone ahead and provided apackage.json file that has some of the things we need. I recommend running a local server while going through these tutorials. There are a few options. You can run a local python server using python -m SimpleHTTPServer. My preferred method is to use the http-server npm package. 

Once the server is running, view the page in the browser at http://localhost:8000. This is just the basic UI we will be working with. The items on the right are the items that can be added to a transaction. The transaction information is on the left. It shows the items already added to the transaction, their amounts and totals, and then the subtotal, tax, and total of the whole transaction. Let’s start making this thing function like a real POS system.


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