Choose between ReactJS and VueJS for frontend project using Laravel?

Monday, December 14, 2015

There is a common misconception about Vue: that it's only for simple stuff. No. The underlying development model of data-driven views and interface composed of component trees is almost identical between React and Vue. The main difference is how the API is exposed and how React leans toward a more everything-in-JS approach while Vue embraces HTML/CSS/JS as what they are.

When you go beyond the basics, the concepts involved in how to structure and maintain state in large, complex applications are not tied to a specific view-layer. For example, you can use Redux with either React or Vue. Both would work. If you can build complex stuff with React, you can do that with Vue too. I'd even claim that anything that can be built in React can be built in Vue with similar if not less amount of time and effort.


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